Scanfreight will start to focus on sea and air

After mainly focusing on road transport for the first five years, Scanfreight is now aiming to become a stronger total supplier of all types of freight to our customers. With the establishment of Scanfreight Air & Sea AS, we now offer air and sea freight to both new and existing customers.

From 1 August, Scanfreight Air & Sea AS is in full operation with two new employees with extensive experience, and the expertise needed to serve existing and new customers with the quality and level of service that we want to offer our customers.

Jan Peter Svartbekk is employed as Business Development Manager from 1 August. Jan Peter has 15 years of sailing time from the USS group, where he first had 9 years with Norsk Land & Sjøtransport AS, as an agent for Hanjin Shipping Co., Ltd. He then moved into the role of Commercial Manager and in recent years General Manager and Managing Director at Spedman Global Logistics AS.

Helena Elstad Monsen is employed as Operations Manager from 1 August. Helena has 12 years’ experience from the USS Gruppen, where she was employed as a freight forwarder at Transaseco AS, before moving to a similar position at Spedman Global Logistics AS. For the past four years, she has been Sea Freight Manager at Spedman Global Logistics AS

We can tailor solutions for all needs on air, sea and train. At sea, we are particularly good at general cargo, FCL (full containers) and cargo that requires special equipment. (Flak, opentop, reefer, etc.)

Contact us for a chat about your transport needs!

Jan Peter Svartbekk – tel. 926 50 317 / email:
Helena Elstad Monsen – tel. 976 10 988 / email: