Scanfreight sertifisert etter ISO-standardene 9001 og 14001, Kvalitet og miljø

Scanfreight certified to ISO standards 9001 and 14001, Quality and Environment

We are pleased to announce that Scanfreight has now been certified to ISO standards 9001 and 14001. We have always focused on environmental considerations in our daily work, as well as delivering quality at every step. We can now demonstrate that we actively work to meet the requirements for quality and the environment, both from our customers, other stakeholders, authorities, and most importantly, the requirements of the ISO standards for documenting our work on quality and the environment.

ISO standards 9001 and 14001

ISO 9001 is a quality management system, and ISO 14001 is an environmental management system. Our certification to these standards means that we have documented, robust quality assurance systems and a conscious approach to our environmental footprint, allowing us to systematically work on minimizing our negative impact on the environment.

The certification process

We have taken our time with the certification process and have aimed to do most of the work in building the system ourselves within our internal project group. This way, we have ensured ownership of the process and the system throughout our organization. Through the process, we discovered that we were doing most things correctly but needed to formalize and systematize them.

Focus on satisfied customers and continuous improvement

At Scanfreight, our top priority is satisfied customers. We strive to meet and, ideally, exceed our customers’ expectations. We emphasize personal communication with our customers, strive to keep our promises, and proactively respond to any unforeseen issues.

We also prioritize the satisfaction of our employees. Satisfied and engaged employees contribute to excellent customer experiences.

With our established management system, we monitor our own performance and the achievement of goals we set for both quality and the environment. We record deviations and improvement suggestions and are committed to continuous improvement at all levels of our operations.

For inquiries regarding our ISO certification, please contact Managing Director Bente Huse at tel. 95707009 or email